Develop a Road Map for your
Sustainability Journey.
ESG Africa can help you develop an ESG roadmap that is embedded in your business strategy to contribute to your resilience.
Let us be your trusted advisors on a successful ESG journey.
Understanding ESG
our business
We bring to you our global-local
experience, Pragmatism
and know-how
ESG Africa experts have worked with hundreds of clients across Africa and in other continents to support them in managing their ESG risks.
We bring you sector and country based experiences to augment your project success.
Let us support you in getting investment ready.

what we do
Help private sector identify, assess and manage ESG risks.
Our job is to make your life easier. Το this end, we create the conditions necessary for ESG to become another seamless part of your business.
We will support you with:
- ESG Investment Readiness (we help you develop your ESG management system)
- ESG (including health and safety) Due Diligence and Implementation
- ESG Monitoring and Reporting
- Recruitment of your Environment Health Safety and Social team
For DFI, MFI, IFI, let us help you increase your bandwidth and provide you with on-the-ground risk assessment, supervision and capacity building of your potential and existing clients.
We can work with you on a portfolio basis:
- ESDD appraisal and supervision of your potential or existing clients (Project specific, PE Funds or FI)
- Livelihood Restoration Plan and Resettlement Action Plan audit
- Annual monitoring report reviews and on the verifications of ESAP implementation
- Gap analysis of ESIA and ESMS to your standards
"G" for Governance
At ESG Africa, we look at Governance in two ways:
- The governance of E&S matters. A key board responsibility, it involves the accountability mechanism and inherit risk management of current and future E&S matters that could impact the business. Central to our approach is engagement with internal and external stakeholders
- Achieving Corporate Governance and Organizational Health. Our approach is a departure from the mainstream way of enhancing company corporate governance. We believe that good corporate governance practice MUST accompany changes in behavior. We underscore corporate governance with organizational health to help companies, boards and management team as they achieve their mission
Stakeholder Engagement
We will work with you to identify, analyze and map your stakeholders.
We will support you in developing or enhancing a stakeholder engagement framework and strategy.
Our CG work is sensitive to the varying stakeholder realities among family firms, listed and private companies, financial institutions and state-owned enterprises.
Training & Capacity Building
We offer training and capacity building services to ensure that your employees develop the knowledge and skills to implement the company’s E&S procedures, and understand their roles and obligation as a good corporate citizen.
We also provide tailored workshops on IFC Performance Standards and on how to conduct an ESDD for new investments.
who we serve
ESG Africa brings you ESG expertise
in several sectors
- Agribusiness
- Manufacturing and Services
- Infrastructure (Energy and Transmission line, Roads, Ports, Rails)
- Telecommunication
- Oil and Gas
- Financial Services and Private Equity Funds

peformance standards
ESG Africa works primarily with IFC Performance Standards because

Use these standards in their lending and
it’s a gold standard for the private sector.
Case Studies
This example is about a phosphate mining and fertilizer production company which controls a large part of the world's phosphate reserves and is one of the main exporters of phosphates and fertilizers to Africa. As part of its expansion plans, which include fertilizer blending facilities in several countries in West Africa, the company was seeking support from a Development Finance Institution (DFI) who requested that environmental and social impacts of the project be assessed as part of the loan approval process.
Our Involvement
ESG Africa was mandated by this DFI to supplement its environmental and social due diligence by carrying out an independent social assessment of a government led land acquisition process and the action plan for the company to close the gap in line with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standard 5 on Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement.
The assessment identified gaps in the land acquisition and consultation process as well as the compensation amounts. ESG Africa developed an action plan for the company to implement in order to comply with PS5 through livelihood restoration initiatives for the project impacted people. This enabled the DFI to gain comfort that the company can close the gaps through the implementation of the proposed LRP.
The company is a heavy fuel oil power plant operator with a capacity of over 100 MW, operating in West Africa. It is financed by a number of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and is required to meet IFC Performance Standards.
Our Involvement
ESG Africa was hired by this company to support it in the management of environmental, health and safety aspects through the implementation of an ISO 14001: 2015 environmental management system, and an ISO 45001: 2018 occupational health and safety management.
ESG Africa undertook an assessment of the environmental and social and impacts of the company's business activities including aspects related to occupational health, fire and life safety, stakeholder engagement, supply chain and community health and safety. This support enabled the company to have an adaptive management system as well as enter a continuous improvement process as well comply with IFC Performance Standards and National Regulation.
The company is a West African cement producer, and as part of its expansion plan solicited financing from an International Lender which requires that environmental and social (E&S) issues be assessed as part of the credit approval process.
Our Involvement
ESG Africa was mandated by this Lender to conduct an E&S due diligence in line with IFC Performance Standards requirements.
ESG Africa undertook an assessment of the social and environmental risks and impacts of the company's activities in the area including review of potential associated facilities given that the company was getting raw materials from a nearby quarry as well as other sources. ESG Africa’s review covered aspects related to IFC PS1 to assess the maturity of the company’s environmental management system; labor and working conditions including occupational health and safety, historic land acquisition, emergency preparedness and response as well community health and safety.
A timebound environmental and social action plan (ESAP) was developed as well as an estimated implementation cost. This project was approved by the Lender and the ESAP was included in the loan agreement as its implementation will ensure that the company meets both National Regulation and IFC Performance Standards.
Animal Production
The company is a group that includes a flour mill and a poultry chain. It is one of the leading flour milling and poultry companies in West Africa. As part of its desire to expand its activities, the agribusiness company has solicited funding from several DFIs whose requirements for environmental and social assessment of the project is imperative in the credit approval process.
Our Involvement
ESG Africa was commissioned by this company to undertake an environmental and social due diligence to the Lenders standards in order to secure financing. The assessment included all aspects of environmental, occupational health and safety, food safety, animal welfare, review of land acquisition, stakeholder engagement, fire and life safety as well as labor and working conditions.
As a result of this assessment a timebound environmental and social action plan (ESAP) was developed including estimated implementation costs to meet the requirement of National Regulation and IFC Performance Standards.
Let’s talk about
your project
In today’s complex world, companies cannot be business-resilient without embedding environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts and opportunities into their core risk management and business strategies. Furthermore, investors globally are taking a harder stance on companies’ abilities to manage ESG risks and measure outcomes. However, it is equally apparent that most companies find understanding and implementing international ESG standards daunting.
That’s where ESG Africa comes in.
Here is a curated selection of thoughts and perspectives related to ESG, either from the ESG Africa team or publications and guidelines.